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H.E.L.P Certificate Program

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The Health Education Leadership and Prevention (H.E.L.P.) Certificate program provides students with non-academic credit for participating in national prevention training opportunities on various health and wellbeing issues. Students will gain the skills and confidence to provide support, connect peers with appropriate resources, and respond effectively to mental health, interpersonal violence, substance use, identity-based issues, and medical emergencies.

To become certified, students must complete the following training sessions:

  1. Green Dot Overview Training (required)
  2. QPR Training (required)
  3. Students can select two of the training sessions listed below:
    1. Real Talk Recovery: Recovery Ally 
    2. Opioid First Aid 
    3. Stop the Bleed
    4. Friendly Peer

To become certified as “Advanced” students must complete the following training opportunities in addition to the 4 training opportunities listed above.

  1. Mental Health First Aid (8 hours)
  2. Green Dot Bystander Training (3 hours)
  • Individuals who complete the first tier (Certified) level of training will receive a certificate.
  • Those that complete the second tier (Advanced) level of training will also receive an honor cord for their graduation

If you are interested in completing the H.E.L.P Certificate Program, please complete the Registration Form on our Niner Engage Page

Email any questions you have to 

The HELP Certificate Program is a collaboration between the departments in the Health & Wellbeing Unit.